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Here are some details about the recent EAA zoning change


I had a conversation with Ken Todd on Friday afternoon after the vote by the commissioners.  While his own opinion is probably favorable to mining in the EAA (as evidenced by some of the analysis he wrote into the attached report), he did emphasize that what got approved on Thursday really only amounted to a zoning change - from agriculture to mining - for the lands requested.  The necessary permits (to actually allow mining to take place on these rezoned lands) from Florida DEP and the county's own department - Environmental Resource Management or ERM are still a long way off.  There are other necessary permits as well - SFWMD for example.  The attached report explains it.  I've yet to read the details so I can't put together a good summary.  But each permitting step along the way is a new battlefield citizens can fight on.

The conversation came up after I read this quote from McCarty in the PB Post -

"Isn't that for the permitting agencies to deal with?" asked Commissioner Mary McCarty. "We are not scientists. We are not the DEP."

So this issue is a long way from over and the science part of our opposition is going to be crucial in the future.  Still time to really lock it down with solid evidence as each permit is considered.  Thanks to all who were able to make the meeting on Thursday night.  You gave it a good shot.

Matthew Schwarz


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Last updated May 17, 2008