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This interview was published a few years ago by Chris Dixon, who also does work for the New York Times.  Although it is a bit dated, it is a comprehensive look at possible surface water and coastal zone impacts caused by aquifer injection.

The part about not being able to show oceanfront real estate during a red tide event should have read Brevard County, not Palm Beach.

There was also a typo on the volume of injected sewage via deep wells.  It should have read one billion gallons per day, not one million.  (One billion gallons per day translates into three cubic miles per year....of partially treated human sewage, dumped into our aquifers)

The interview was done as Surfrider Foundation prepared for a legal challenge to this form of sewage disposal.  Although that legal challenge was not filed due to proposed legislation that would have gutted the Endangered Species Act and  NEPA, the harm caused by injection wells is still being done, and numerous new injection wells have now been constructed.

I'm sending this FYI as background information, since Chris Dixon did lots of research and was able to compile quite a bit of content.  Hopefully some entity will muster a legal challenge under the Clean Water Act, NEPA and/or the Endangered Species Act that will stop construction of injection wells in Florida, including the proposed ASR injection wells (which would inject an additional billion gallons per day as part of CERP).


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Last updated May 19, 2008