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Reservoirs in our Watershed: A Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program Conference

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General Announcement 

The Policy Committee of the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary Program voted to host a conference on the impacts of reservoirs on the watershed.

A 2-day technical, peer-reviewed conference (including experts from outside the watershed) will be followed at a slightly later date by a 1-day public outreach conference on the same subject.

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)  of the CHNEP will be responsible for developing goals, objectives and the agenda for the conference.  The Policy Committee will have final oversight.  Citizens Advisory Committee members will probably be asked to assist the TAC in their tasks.

This conference helps to implement the new 2008 CHNEP Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) Priority Action "HA-K Identify the hydrologic and environmental impacts of the surface water reservoirs on the estuaries within the watershed."

Timetable:  The public outreach conference will probably happen in February of 09, with the Technical Conference occurring just before.

Details will be available at a later date.

Please pass this general announcement on to other interested parties.

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Last updated April 2, 2009