Nora Demers Homepage

Graphic by Sydney Bacchus, PhD


Mining Impacts to the Human and Natural Environments


PHOTO courtesy of George & Joyce Chase

(Peace River Reservoir on Kings Hwy. in Arcadia )

A compilation of resources and issues


News articles and information about Human Health impacts of mining:

Pollution Takes Its Toll On The Heart (September 21, 2010)

"Small particulate matter is dangerous to health," said Dr. Silverman. "We need to figure out ways to combat air pollution and decrease the number of high-pollution days." He added that pollution related cardiac arrests occurred during times when the levels were high but still below the current EPA safety threshold.

The researchers are now looking for a relationship between out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and traffic flow patterns. Other studies have suggested that one in three people live in areas where small particulate matter levels are considered unhealthy.

(vehicle exhaust such as from off-road diesel and dump trucks contributes significantly to small particulate matter)


Return to  compilation of resources and issues

This resource focuses on adverse impacts from mining currently not addressed or evaluated by regulatory agencies and municipalities, as well as alternatives to mining and approaches for improved monitoring and evaluation of existing and proposed mine sites and mine-related impacts.  This portal is made possible thanks to the volunteer efforts of scientists, other professionals and citizens.

Please enjoy your visit, and contact me with your thoughts.

The information on these pages is intended to be reproduced and shared freely.
Last updatedSeptember 30, 2010