Graphic by Sydney Bacchus, PhD |
Mining Impacts to the Human and Natural Environments

courtesy of George & Joyce Chase
River Reservoir on Kings Hwy. in Arcadia ) |
A compilation of resources
and issues
News articles and letters about
mining aggregate and soil:
Lee County to oppose Collier rock mine (Naples Daily News Oct 18, 2011)
South Lee landowner seeks compensation for lost value due to mining restrictions (Naples Daily News May 24, 2011 at 8:14 p.m.)
Both sides of Lee County mining dispute presented in court ( Naples Daily News May 24, 2011 at 1:38 p.m. )
County stands by mining vote; could face lawsuit (By Bill Thompson Tuesday, January 18, 2011)
Marion County commissioners on Tuesday unanimously stood by earlier decisions to reject a proposed limerock mine for the county¹s Farmland Preservation Area -- and with that vote, rejecting the landowners¹ claim for
$16.3 million for being denied the use of their property.
Comment letter to the ACOE regarding Elevating Tamiami Trail June 28, 2010
by Tom Warnke
Hurry up with new nuclear power plants? What Florida Power and
Light doesn't want you to know
... by gimleteye Monday, May 11, 2009
"The presence of tritium, even in minute
quantities, in the Biscayne aquifer is a problem for FPL: first of all, this
well known marker for fluid movement in water bodies would contradict its
contention that building two new nuclear reactors at Turkey Point-- and the
related rock mining to elevate the reactors twenty five feet above sea level
on three hundred plus acres-- will have no significant impact on either salt
water intrusion or drinking water quality.
Studying the evidence and modeling salt water intrusion could have a big
impact on the timing and permitting issues. It won't be so easy to explain
to South Floridians why the presence of tritium is not a substantial
Mining permits for
Uranium near the Grand Canyon have increased to 1100.
Watch the CNN report here. (May 8th, 2009)
Role of mining not considered in
Acreage brain tumor cluster:
Acreage residents worry Pratt & Whitney contaminants played role in brain tumors
(Palm Beach Post, July 27, 2009)
Scientists--Attempts by mining industry and state agencies -Bacchus
Citizens fight back- The
affidavit of Panagioti Tsolkas in support of written
complaint for violations of Chapters 455 and 492 FS and related laws and
rules regarding testimony regarding vertical migration of
injected industrial wastewater to be missing a published document has been
removed in the face of threats of libel.
NEIGHBORHOOD — (PEER Aug 20, 2009)
report clearly states on page 11 "that the elemental concentrations and
morphological characteristics showed that the re-suspended dusts from the
raw cement piles in the cement facility did have some impact on the
residential areas surrounding the cement facility. We did conclude that the
spatial impact of the particulate emissions from the cement facility to
outdoor dust occurred during the study; however, the contribution is limited
to Camden residents living immediately around the facility.
Read about NJDEP’s alteration of the original study
See NJDEP’s public announcement
Read the revised final report
Read peer review comments on the report
Mine Hearing:
The final hearing on the Estero Group Mine will be held at
Commission Chambers on Monday, June 16th at 9:30AM. The BOCC will
review the recommendations of the Lee County Hearing Examiner (HEX) and will
make a final vote on the application.
Read about the process
from Kevin Hill www.corkscrew.org
City's dirt mine plan needs
impact study, attorney says: City official reluctantly continues hearing
(Charlotte Sun June 7, 2008)
plaintiffs are 1000 Friends of Florida, the Florida Wildlife Federation and
the Sierra Club. Both mines seek to blast 50 feet deep at the rate of
about 100 acres a year. What do you think the point is that will trigger
a more intense study?
Court lifts ban
on rock mining in Dade (Miami Herald May 10, 2008)
Potential for pollution from mines concerns Lee Officials
(Naples News May,
Miners get OK to build in West
Palm Beach County (Palm Beach Post, April 24, 2008)
April 28, 2008 update on Zoning changes
from Matthew Schwarz
Palm Beach commissioners in favor of rock mining expansion
(Miami Herald,
Apr. 04, 2008) BY MITRA
Important - Mining Impact questions being
raised by county staff in Indian River County summit 2008
Palm Beach County
citizens trying to protect resources- a loss and opportunity
(April, 2008)
2 rock mines in west Palm Beach County win key endorsements
By Andy Reid | South Florida Sun-Sentinel April 3, 2008
Hoevler's ruling in Miami-Dade County--
entire summit and
read newspaper stories - provided by Matt Schwarz
Fighting mining because of Benzene
contamination of potable water- (in Georgia)
Part One: Toxin Agency Looks the Other Way
Date: Mar 14, 2008 12:36 AM
Letter to editor regarding
unsupported claims for mine pits acting as reservoirs
read Judge
Hoevler's findings regarding benzene intrusion into drinking water.
Map of existing
an proposed mines in the EAA
Hope for
Clean water- a story about limerock mining in Levy county- Tarmac (March
24, 2008) and the Bennett pre-emption bill
Here is a
story about sand mining and Gulf Sturgeon in Walton County (March 17, 2008)
guided tour of the Peace River Basin
read about the circuitous route to find information (Apr 16, 2008)
Return to
compilation of resources and issues
This resource focuses on adverse impacts from mining currently
not addressed or evaluated by regulatory agencies and municipalities, as well as
alternatives to mining and approaches for improved monitoring and evaluation of
existing and proposed mine sites and mine-related impacts. This portal is
made possible thanks to the volunteer efforts of scientists, other professionals
and citizens.
enjoy your visit, and contact me
with your thoughts.
The information on these pages is intended to be reproduced and shared
Last updated February 8, 2011