FGCU Mascot

Computational Perception Laboratory

Department of Psychology, Florida Gulf Coast University

Journal Articles and Invited Reviews

DiMattina, C., & Baker, C.L. Jr. (2021). Segmenting surface boundaries using luminance cues. Scientific Reports (Nature) 11: 10074. (pdf)

Pipitone, R.N., & DiMattina, C. (2020). Object clusters or spectral energy? Assessing the relative contributions of image phase and amplitude spectra to Trypophobia. Frontiers in Psychology: Perception Science 11: 1847. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Baker, C.L. (2019). Modeling second-order boundary perception: A machine learning approach. PLoS Computational Biology 15(3): e1006829. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Zhang, K. (2017). Adaptive Stimulus Optimization. In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (2nd Ed.) Springer Science. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. (2016). Comparing models of contrast gain using psychophysical experiments. Journal of Vision 16(9): 1-18. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. (2015). Fast adaptive estimation of multi-dimensional psychometric functions. Journal of Vision 15(9):1-20. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Zhang, K. (2013). Adaptive stimulus optimization and model-based experiments for sensory systems neuroscience. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 7(101):1-16. (pdf)

DiMattina, C., Fox, S.A. & Lewicki, M.S. (2012). "Detecting natural occlusions using local cues". Journal of Vision 12(13):1-21. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Zhang, K. (2011). "Active data collection for efficient estimation and comparison of nonlinear neural models". Neural Computation 23(9):2242–2288. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Zhang, K. (2010). "How to modify a neural network gradually without changing its input-output functionality". Neural Computation 22(1):1-47. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Zhang, K. (2008). "How optimal stimuli for sensory neurons are constrained by network architecture". Neural Computation 20(3):668-708. (pdf)

DiMattina, C. & Wang, X. (2006). "Virtual vocalization stimuli for investigating neural representations of species-specific vocalizations". Journal of Neurophysiology 95:1244-1262. (pdf)

Kotak, V.C., DiMattina, C. & Sanes, D.H. (2001). "GABA(B) and Trk receptor signaling mediates long-lasting inhibitory synaptic depression". Journal of Neurophysiology 89:536-540. (pdf)

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